Monday, 2 April 2018

Emergency admission to hospital

I am updating from my hospital bed... I was rushed into hospital on Thursday with Dyspnoea ( difficulty breathing) expiratory wheeze and in near collapse with chest infection. GP and doctors and nurses been wonderful.... But the doctors are shocked at the benefits poverty I am in and not been eating well... they have put in their care plan IV vitamins so I have a bag of that infused every night along with all my other medications. I am sure this would not have happened if I could get some financial dignity to keep myself well..... and to do fun things like weekend spa break .. all the things you can do when you have some money to do so..... 
Remember I was sanctioned by Jobcentre when on JSA as my volunteer work was not accepted I must find a paid post.... and of course I cannot get my state pension as I am born in 1954 . There is another woman in the bed opposite that cannot get her pension and honest both of us look wrecks to work shifts anyway..... 
The doctors have been caring about my DV history too and are amazed at my petition and admire all my strength for justice and dignity for all women survivors....

The nurses been caring for me and my family ... and lovely to get best wishes from around the globe too with my facebook friends....

But can you see that poverty is actually expensive for the country as the spin off problems it causes costs. Surely it makes more sense to look after citizens to keep harmony and wellness.... and reduce all the social stress from poverty. But for us women survivors we have been pushed into poverty with our perpetrators financially crippling us so we really do need a review of the DWP policies..... 

Pray for me as I had a CT scan and will get the medical team report and review tomorrow... hope there is nothing more challenging to battle with...!!
Turning pain into Campaign!

Reform to help women heal and rebuild.... when will we get this right and fair for women? Sign the petition it is still on the go till I get some debate for reform. Petition for Strong & Stable Pathway of Support for Survivors 
This campaign must continue till achieved it goals no matter what happens to me... I have to get a better pathway of support for women!