Saturday, 19 September 2020

Pandemic Zooming Gets voices heard


Some screen captures from Thursday 17th September webinar on DV and housing. There was chance to contribute through the chat but the questions and answers we all lost an opportunity as the webinar clashed with another meeting coming in.  Sarayna Kogulathas has apologised on Twitter for clash and will be sending recording to us all. It was good she has recognised this blog as a future reference.  My main concern is getting women a strong and stable financial platform to regain financial dignity and help rebuild lives as she heals and detoxes from the ugliness of violence upon her whole being.  It is unacceptable that government DWP malpolicies batter survivors with drops in support and inadequate support. It was also good to highlight that when a woman is out of the DV she needs housing placement in a good calm caring neighbourhood, not one where other perpetrators live or high volume of Anti Social Behaviour. The point is that when out you can have trigger reminders that touch the deep pain of the past... it is a difficult journey with PTSD! I have just had 24 hours of low mood from attending this webinar and also Loose Women covered DV as Eastenders have been focusing on this in their production. No matter how strong we are there is always an active point into the pain and a reminder why you are in the situation you are in now... But we are alive and this is important as with every attack on you it could have resulted in your death.  WE ARE TRULY SURVIVORS! 
I am going to jump to this slide on Jasmines journey to highlight the complexity of control & the dangers! 
Thank goodness for agencies and organisational teams that understand needs and are there to support survivors 
Ref: DAHA ; Standing Together ; Gentoo ; Peabody ; Women's Aid and I am adding DVIP