Sunday, 31 March 2024

1950s born Ombudsman Report

The pain and campaign goes on for we 1950s born women. Ombudsman Report
But a very shocking time on twitter as we face opposition, challenge and hateful abuse from trolls. It is abuse experienced over our time of campaign as if young being pitched against old. To illustrate it is like an old lady being mugged in the street and robbed of her purse. You would expect a public outcry in support of the lady robbed and indeed we do get large support of our 1950s born case. But the trolls are like in my old lady mugging example are part of the mugging gang shouting abuse and saying we deserve to be mugged.  I managed to screenshot comments and tweet into the metropolitan police, Mayor of London and my MP which calmed a  troll down. 
But my local police made me aware of the Report Hate Crime link as the trolls display hate, misogynistic and ageism attitudes. This is the link to use and it is strongly suggested to screenshot offensive posts before perpetrators delete them once they know they are being reported. Report Hate Crime  I have made our 195Os born women aware of this Link.  Take a look at the poster below that one of our 1950s women put together at the beginning of our campaign. It clearly shows all the psychological impact of being targetted by government to rob us of 6 years State Pension.. so trolls adding to this abuse is most certainly not acceptable. Where is the empathy and compassion from government and trolls. As I always highlight we are the daughters of those that served and survived WW2 and helped rebuild the nation post war. But we are 1950s born women and rise to any challenges. We are life warriors.