Saturday 9 December 2017

Survivors Flower remain

The remaining flowers from the Survivors Lunch that the London borough of Hillingdon put on for us all for the White Ribbon Day- of course we have to see the results of all the reach out for suggestions on improving the support.  We have Christmas and New Year when the country goes haywire so guess nothing with be done to action our suggestions till 2018.... many of us do not have that time to wait... many of us are going hungry and in desperate need for financial dignity..  Dignity that our perpetrator robbed us off and all part of the abuse upon us.... Amine my perpetrator not found yet ... but he knows that he is being watched by the universe so cannot escape the justice for hurting me ... a woman that was so full of love and care and compassion...and Vincent cannot rest neither perpetrator of 15yrs abuse on me.... all will catch up one day.... but in the meantime it is sad that the system seems to punish me the survivor of all the abuse upon me...