Tuesday 6 February 2018

Deeds not Words at last

Good John my MP of over 20 yrs and his PA are in dialogue with me... We have an issue in that I am a WASPI as you know from my blogposts I cannot get my state pension as born in 1954 - I am 63 about to be 64yrs and having to sign on for JSA.... I am applying for work and busy with online courses and projects - I have offers of voluntary work but not paid work... Yesterday in the Jobcentre different members of staff saw me and I had no evidence of applying for work yet had evidence of my attendance on a foundation course for an NGO that helps refugees in London.    I can work one day a week as a volunteer in one of their centres.... The Jobcentre staff sanctioned me as this is not recognised and I challenged them and was labelled intimidating and too political.... So went to see John and now we are in dialogue again since our natter around his kitchen table some months ago...... We need a complete review of the DWP with its badly thought out policies.  Apparently volunteer work is not recognised...... yet I feel that anyone claiming benefits that are volunteering should be given extra for the energy and effort this takes... and it is contributing to society and local communities... It is also plugging the gaps in the system where charities are having to pick up the pieces of badly written policies in society and services.. 

Anyway the crux of the issue with my poverty at this time is that I have been financially crippled by perpetrators ... so we really do need to challenge this point and get a strong and stable pathway of support for women survivors to heal, detox and rebuild their lives......

I have been signposted to try to get some help from this charity Zacchaeus 200 Trust Z2K fighting poverty through justice... Z2K Fighting Poverty  

..and in this day of all remembering the Suffragettes and votes for women... Lets hope that Mrs May yields as she recognises all the votes she could lose from the WASPI women and their families and from women survivors that are having a bad time not being helped on their pathway of healing and rebuilding their lives.