Thursday 29 June 2017

Regain YOU

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From The Soulful Woman

What is SELF-LOVE, for you? Is it different from self-absorption? Actually, true self-love is one of the most empowering and liberating practices we can offer ourselves. 

I've put together 7 KEYS to Healthy Self-Love. See which ones resonate for you. When you’re practicing self-love in your life, the following things become more true for you:

1. INNER GOODNESS: You know that goodness, care and love comprise your deepest inner core and that this goodness can never be disputed. As such, your value and worth is equal to all others. You make a point of reminding yourself of your innate goodness, worth and love, daily.

2. LOVING INNER-TALK: You know the difference between the inner critic and the guiding voice of your conscience and integrity. The inner critic tends to make you feel shamed, anxious and not good enough, while the voice of conscience and integrity makes you feel strong, wise and free, and helps you make good decisions in your life.

3. STRONG BOUNDARIES: You understand that the world is still a wild and crazy place, that trauma and dysfunction is common, and that many people behave in less than caring or healthy ways. Therefore, out of respect for yourself, you develop strong, positive boundaries to take care of yourself, and know how to say NO when needed.

4. SELF-COMPASSION: You offer compassion to yourself for the mistakes you’ve made, for the losses and traumas you’ve endured, and for the vulnerabilities and issues you have. You know that you're a sacred human being on a learning journey and that you deserve respect and compassion - especially from yourself.

5. JOY & BEAUTY: You appreciate how joy, beauty and pleasure nourish your soul and boost your spirit, so you find ways to give these things to yourself regularly, if not daily. You continue to gently release any old feelings of guilt or unworthiness about fully receiving joy, beauty and abundance into your life.

6. MOTHERING YOURSELF: You understand that as a grown-up it’s your responsibility to mother yourself in all the ways you may have missed out on as a child. You actively soothe yourself in times of stress, feed and care for yourself in healthy ways, and find positive, supportive people to help you when you need it. Your wellbeing is a priority to you and you seek out situations and relationships where you can truly flourish.

7. SELF-EMPOWERMENT: You realise that life is complex and actively pursue learning and knowledge. You invest in your own development, whenever you can, and enjoy growing and expanding. You also appreciate that learning is a life-long process and are patient with yourself, allowing yourself to grow at your own pace.

MANY ASPECTS TO SELF-LOVE: There are many different aspects to self-love and I invite you to think of your own list, or add to mine. In the end, there’s no actual list, only an evolving sense of how to best support yourself to be the person you know yourself to be, deep inside, despite whatever hurts or challenges you have faced.

LIFE-LONG PRACTICE: Self-love is an emotional and spiritual practice based on a core commitment to ourselves. It’s the gentle, daily work of building a respectful and compassionate relationship with ourselves.

Feel free to share a comment if you feel so inspired.

Gemma x

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