Tuesday 27 June 2017

Time to Stop

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Time to stop violence and abuse of women. Perpetrators must be investigated and held to accountability. With this their behaviour reformed before allowed free in society again.  It is simply not acceptable for a man to control and hit and mentally and financially abuse a wife or partner. 

But not only is it time to stop the abuse but it is time to stop the failings of the present DWP to support women on their journey of healing, detoxing from the ugliness of violence and abuse of them and restore and rebuild their confidence and lives. 

For this I have set up a petition to get this recognised as at present there is a breach of State Duty of Care as per UN directives by the UK government.  

Austerity cutbacks have also meant a failure to get legal aid or great difficulty to get legal aid to justice and divorce.  There have also been cutbacks in the CPS and whilst the perpetrator may be arrested he can be let go at the arrest phase with the CPS acting like a mini court and judge.  If they feel there is insufficient evidence to take to court for wider review of the case. 

Women are being let down by the system and it is time to stop this failing.