Wednesday 29 November 2017

Goodbye but feels au revoir

I am so so grateful to Saana for all her help and support...... it was by "chance" I got an impression to go to the Healthwatch in Uxbridge some months ago - struggling with the aftermath of survival, DWP failings and threats to lose my OAP bungalow...and being a WASPI unable to get my state pension that day the office staff introduced me to Saana and the weekly women survivors group.... most of Asian origin and long term survivors because I have lived in India and my second perp was Indian they accepted this gouray into the group.... and we have got on so well....The group leader Saana is moving on to a post in Dubai caring for women survivors of DV .. so today we had goodbye gathering..... but I feel an au revoir that we will meet up again and will keep in contact via internet. The womenfolk will get another group leader in the New Year and those of us that are WASPIs are going to go to parliament on the 14th Dec for the debate on state pension...
Love the Indian food today too so yummy with chai and cake too..

I gave Saana some of the NYR products I had for her to enjoy Geranium & Orange shower gel and Orange flower facial wash ..... wrapped in London scenes paper and also gave her one of the WI trauma teds that we were given on Saturday's Survivors Lunch ......

 πŸ’žRead my Princess Leen poem out today to the women's group as we were asked to bring something to share of ourselves and what inspires us - they were well impressed and all fallen for Leen saying she is so so cute... and she is .....

Sunday 26 November 2017

Smart Works is amazing project

you have got to go on this site for the Smartworks charity and also watch their video - brilliant to help women restyle to reconnect with self and get the confidence for job applications.  They have top class clothes donated supported by retailers and it helps women over that hurdle of getting offered work and presenting herself well till the paycheques come in... I found out about this from the White Ribbon Day yesterday in the civic centre and well impressed with this....   If you remember when I wanted to put on the Healing and Empowerment weekend at Brunel Uni this was to be a workshop input too by Kookie to restyle to project the true inner self out and be full of confidence again... to reconnect with self.

Sabah el Ward, woke to beauty

Sabah el ward..... I woke in pain today but then turned to see the wonderful flowers I was given from the White Ribbon day... thank goodness of the beauty of flowers to help uplift us out of our pain. My pain is frustration and part of the demon releasing that our journey takes us on ... yesterday was good to listen and share and support one another that have all been hurt and broken and financially crippled by our perps... ..But we are not broken we have our inner strength and our determination to rebuild our lives. To reconnect with ourselves again the self that was lost in all the pain. But in this journey is the pain that in my need to reconnect with self is the need to have the financial freedom to follow what feels right for me now in this time ....the time as it biologically leads me to ageing and to the ultimate release. I have things i want to do and in this is my need to help not only my family but my Family Link Up project... there is more than my life to rebuild and to reconnect with hope of a good safe peaceful future.......
Here is a journey through my wonderful flowers.... I have the added pleasure of the wonderful sweet perfume too...

Saturday 25 November 2017

Brilliant White Ribbon day of sharing

I attended at White Ribbon day and lunch at the Civic Centre Uxbridge today. It has been a good time of coming together as survivors and NGO supporters, police, a family judge and the London Borough of Hillingdon councillors and support workers.  We have hope that all we have shared will be actioned in to a better pathway of support. I will share more on this when I have digested and followed all the speakers links and information. The Middlesex Suite was set out with beautiful flowers on the tables for the meeting.  This I really appreciated the thought in this as all the colours of the flowers were healing colours and calming.. Some of us have been given them to come home with... Along with some pamper gifts.... 

The teddies have a reason and a mission as all our local ambulances and police cars carry them to help calm traumatised kids. We women survivors attending the White Ribbon lunch at the Civic centre where given teddies... But mine they know are going out to the refugee kids in Belgium that I have contact with through my Family Link Up project.  
Help me to help women's voices be loud and clear with my petition and my appeal to help women Many thanks Marjorie 
Sign and share to go viral as the problem already is viral... !
Support the Petition to get a Strong & Stable pathway of support for women

Tuesday 14 November 2017

Petition Update

14 NOV 2017 — I have not posted an update for some time as been busy with the WASPI campaign to fight for the state pension as I am one of the 1950s babies that cannot get this. It would help my situation so much if I could get this. I have had time with Rev Paul Nicholson London group of Taxpayers Against Poverty. The group do see the area of Domestic Violence survivors as a special need and that we do need a better pathway of support. All we are seeing in the backlash of politically induced austerity is actually costing more to society. Financial dignity is so much needed for all. 

You know I am not eating a nutritious diet daily with the limited benefit funds and times of dropped support. My mouth has been showing signs of scurvy Vit C deficiency and my teeth have been fracturing with reduced calcium intake. I have splintered front incisor that needs attention and I had an upper molar that fractured in multiple areas..... I have had to find a dentist. The first one I visited did offer NHS but you still have to pay the bands of care. But readers and supporters I did not feel happy with him.... he thrust the mirror in front of me and humiliated me with the state of my teeth and the gross neglect. I have had enough of humiliation from my abusive partner. I need love care and compassion. Yesterday I can only put this as being "lead" on some spiritual level to a local dentist... he is private so I had to pay but wow what a difference he was loving and caring and his nurse so kind with me. He was upset at my history and will look after me. I was treated with respect and so much compassion. The way I would look after all my years patients and mothers that I have cared for when I was a practising nurse & midwife. I had an interesting experience with the dental extraction it was like any pain reawakens the pain of being beaten, kicked and punched... So it is like you fall into the horror again. I am usually quite stoic but this I noticed ... the nurse in the surgery held my hand and I felt encapsulated in their love and care. What I am trying to tell you is that a domestic violence survivor has deep imprints on her very being mind body and spirit of the pain and abuse she has been through. In a way I felt yesterday as I was moved on through the healing of this through this bizarre situation of having my fracture upper molar removed. I actually feel mind cleansed today. 

So I am proposing we need in the pathway of healing the need to have funds for care like this... we need to re discover the inner woman and shine and be strong again. 

My last update I told you about the need for gas and electric support too... and we need to keep our phone and wifi connections for contact with the outside world and to help us find ways to earn and follow courses..

All we need is love and strong pathway of care and support to help us heal, detox from the violence upon us and rebuild our lives... 

we do not need a system that batters us and drives us deeper and deeper into poverty. We need healing support. 

Thank you for the new signatures to the petition I am grateful you are seeing the message of what I am trying to achieve.... Compassion back in Society for a Society without compassion ceases to be a society.
