Wednesday 29 November 2017

Goodbye but feels au revoir

I am so so grateful to Saana for all her help and support...... it was by "chance" I got an impression to go to the Healthwatch in Uxbridge some months ago - struggling with the aftermath of survival, DWP failings and threats to lose my OAP bungalow...and being a WASPI unable to get my state pension that day the office staff introduced me to Saana and the weekly women survivors group.... most of Asian origin and long term survivors because I have lived in India and my second perp was Indian they accepted this gouray into the group.... and we have got on so well....The group leader Saana is moving on to a post in Dubai caring for women survivors of DV .. so today we had goodbye gathering..... but I feel an au revoir that we will meet up again and will keep in contact via internet. The womenfolk will get another group leader in the New Year and those of us that are WASPIs are going to go to parliament on the 14th Dec for the debate on state pension...
Love the Indian food today too so yummy with chai and cake too..

I gave Saana some of the NYR products I had for her to enjoy Geranium & Orange shower gel and Orange flower facial wash ..... wrapped in London scenes paper and also gave her one of the WI trauma teds that we were given on Saturday's Survivors Lunch ......

 πŸ’žRead my Princess Leen poem out today to the women's group as we were asked to bring something to share of ourselves and what inspires us - they were well impressed and all fallen for Leen saying she is so so cute... and she is .....