Sunday 26 November 2017

Sabah el Ward, woke to beauty

Sabah el ward..... I woke in pain today but then turned to see the wonderful flowers I was given from the White Ribbon day... thank goodness of the beauty of flowers to help uplift us out of our pain. My pain is frustration and part of the demon releasing that our journey takes us on ... yesterday was good to listen and share and support one another that have all been hurt and broken and financially crippled by our perps... ..But we are not broken we have our inner strength and our determination to rebuild our lives. To reconnect with ourselves again the self that was lost in all the pain. But in this journey is the pain that in my need to reconnect with self is the need to have the financial freedom to follow what feels right for me now in this time ....the time as it biologically leads me to ageing and to the ultimate release. I have things i want to do and in this is my need to help not only my family but my Family Link Up project... there is more than my life to rebuild and to reconnect with hope of a good safe peaceful future.......
Here is a journey through my wonderful flowers.... I have the added pleasure of the wonderful sweet perfume too...