Wednesday 4 October 2017

Never Give Up

Just found these words in my facebook newsfeed and felt I need to share with you.  This is how it feels so often the struggle to get out of bed feeling like the world is against you, that you are thrown away like rubbish and abused by your perpetrator... Then the system constantly hassling you instead of helping you to heal and rebuild your life.....But you push yourself to get up and you turn pain into campaign to get your life back. 

Interesting how I got this today as I was sat quiet today in the OAP bungalow with the cats all cosy and curled up around me. What was I doing? I was studying online to enhance my teacher training! Trying to find ways as 63yrs with no state pension and major drops in benefit support to regain financial dignity.  I have had a letter from the DWP that I must find work till 2020 when I can get my pension. Do note that the ESA abruptly stopped and I am still waiting for ESA hopefully that will come tomorrow as I signed on again this Monday. But I will have had a month gap with no payment!! The jobcentre supervisor saying if it does not come in tomorrow to go to him to get a same day clearance.  But there should be no gaps at all this is counterproductive to getting people in work again.  how can you have the energy to search and studying when you are hungry?

Because I am trying so hard I feel that there should be some extra help financially. So many are trying hard and getting hammered back by badly thought out DWP policies. Realistically all need some overlap if they find work too as you have expenses to start work and to await salary payments... it can all be recouped in tax once earning again! All it needs is compassionate thinking for what it is like being on the front-line of pain and hurt. Being a helping hand up not a shove down...! We women have had enough of being beaten down!!!

But while I was studying a knock came to the door today from the London Borough of hillingdon from the fraud department to check that it was me that was living in the property and that I was not subletting??!!!  It feels harassment and no respect for me and all I am trying to do to rebuild.  Readers and supporters no women survivors of domestic violence and abuse should be then hassled by the system... a system that has a state duty of care towards her healing and well being.  Ironically as today our PM was talking (despite choking on her words) that Tories do have compassion. Sad that the LBH tory council continues to harass me with one after another badly written policy that seems to demonise those that need support? 

I am grateful to being on the APPG for Poverty and with TAP taxpayers against poverty to feedback direct from the front-line on the need for reform.  I am grateful to the acceptance of me in the WASPI campaign that are fighting for womens rights to State Pension for those born in and after 1954.

I see my petition has had more signatures added... yes we need to challenge government for a better deal for women survivors from abuse and help her regain her financial dignity again with healing and renewed strength.

So thank you and lets keep going as John needs to present the concern to government after all the party conferences and when parliament in session.  I hope to meet with key ministers soon too. 
Help me to help women's voices be loud and clear with my petition and my appeal to help women Many thanks Marjorie 
Sign and share to go viral as the problem already is viral... !
Support the Petition to get a Strong & Stable pathway of support for women
Help to me to promote the cause nationwide and fund workshops