Sunday 22 October 2017

Stand Tall

I am unable to pay my E.ON gas & electricity bill due to breaks in benefit support and periods of no money. Unable to get my State Pension being a 1954 baby and age of retirement shifted so will have to wait till 2020 if I survive that long.  Most times eating three good meals a week not a day.  I had felt that I had explained my situation adequately to the customer service and that they understood and were trying to help.  I followed directives to approach energy charities but letters came back saying they were unable to help. Unable to help as it was clear I needed long term help given my situation. There was a young man sent round to my house and to assess my situation and I felt I had explained adequately and that he understood my situation.  YET yesterday I felt completely violated, harassed and intimidated by a letter received to get a warrant of entry to my OAP council studio bungalow.  

I am intensifying my campaign that women need a better deal and pathway of support when they are trying to rebuild their lives after domestic abuse.  For the system to fail her and then start battering her with the harshness of chasing her for money she has quite clearly has not got is totally unacceptable.  I am facebooking and twittering now as we need the nation to sit up and see that this government is not fit for purpose.  GOV will say they are putting millions in to helping women domestic violence survivors when in fact we do not see anything of this on the frontline!  Our support is needed for how ever long it takes to heal and detox from the ugliness of violent abuse upon our being. Failures in support prolong that healing as it simply tethers us to the past and brings all the flashbacks of our abuse.  You can lay like an injured animal over again with the abuse of these letters socially battering you.  The post traumatic depression triggers and you wrestle with feels of unworthiness to live... but WE HAVE EVER RIGHT TO EXIST ON THIS EARTH! and there is to UN directives a STATE DUTY OF CARE to help women that have been subjected to violence in WAR and PEACE time. 

Our social system must recognise the human rights of women and the need to support better on the pathway to healing and rebuilding their lives after abuse! 

This government could and should be taken to the Supreme Court on their failures to provide support. 

This EON power situation is disgusting we need all companies and governments to look at a basic threshold of free to use power to get our basic needs met and then charge for additional over this. Profits are vast with over charging for a necessity! I feel this would be a solution in all nations of the world.. In our modern day life we need electricity at least... but then we need to see why are we not putting SOLAR PANELS ON OAP bungalows and housing complexes, residential and nursing homes.. to help not only ease the cost of power burden on the elderly who need to keep warm for winter but will help to generate power for the national grid.    Elderly do need to keep warm for their joints and muscles to work better.  This is necessary to help towards the reducing the incidence of falls and admissions to A/E....!! 
My facebook post today!
πŸ’œπŸŒΈπŸ‹️‍♀️What irony this - born in 1954 deprived of my much earned and paid for State Pension now. Paid in tax for near on half century. Had drops in DWP support... now 63yrs no paid work offered me after illness from DV abuse.... and the irony is 1954 Act of Parliament Rights of Entry being used by EON gas & electric company to cut off my right to be warm in winter!! YES FOLKS this is the UK in 2017 with an uncaring Tory government that demonises the poor harasses the poor rather than help!!
Power charities decline to help me as they say I need long term support given the situation I am in ..... ?!

All I need is financial dignity ......
and do note my Moroccan friends this is all the result of that criminal Amine I foolishly married and believed. Scammer!! I hope you find him for me and deal with him accordingly as he shames good hard working caring Moroccans that care for their elderly.
UK Citizens ...Please sign two petitions below
Sign now Make fair transitional state pension arrangements for 1950’s women - Petitions Sign now Sign now and share lets get the 100,000 signatures and more! 
Unacceptable policies to hurt citizens like this... we are to be respected....
Heaven forbid I have a stroke with high blood pressure ....I will become more of a burden on you all ... it is horrible to think as you get older you are considered a burden to society.....

A society without compassion 
ceases to be a society.

Help me to help women's voices be loud and clear with my petition and my appeal to help women Many thanks Marjorie 
Sign and share to go viral as the problem already is viral... !
Support the Petition to get a Strong & Stable pathway of support for women
Help to me to promote the cause nationwide and fund workshops