Monday 18 September 2017

Benefits no longer Benefits

Benefits no longer Benefits 
but being used as a weapon by Tory government!
Ashamed of my country the UK is YUCK the way it is treating the sick, the vulnerable and the elderly. Spoke to a woman in her 50s today that looks in her 70s drawn and aged with chronic back pain and needs to walk with crutches... been watching her for months getting worse... she has been told by DWP she MUST FIND WORK and all her benefits have been abruptly stopped. She admitted she tried to commit suicide with the letter as she feels her pain and suffering is negated. Her husband stopped her in time... Of course those in chronic pain have strong analgesia tabs to easily take an overdose to suicide..... Morphine is respiratory depressant......... I told her do not give this uncaring government the power by doing this.... you have as much right as anyone else to live on this earth and we should be caring for you. I used to feel proud of paying my taxes all now of 48yrs working life to help provide services to those in need and be there for my need too.... but this government is taking our money and doing fanny all with it to help others in need...... they need to be taken to court on corruption and failed state duty of care....!! you see we are all taxpayers and we have our rights to have the services we are paying for....!! Shameful... ! and to think Mrs May suddenly found £billion to bribe her way into keeping power with the DUP .. Illegal all round as they Irish parliament is in disarray...!! what happened to "mon dieu et mon droit"
Union Jack for me half mast as we have lost Compassion and our society is dead...!! for a society without compassion ceases to be a society.....
Help me to help women's voices be loud and clear with my petition and my appeal to help women Many thanks Marjorie 
Sign and share to go viral as the problem already is viral... !
Support the Petition to get a Strong & Stable pathway of support for women
Help to me to promote the cause nationwide and fund workshops