Friday 1 September 2017

meet up today

Good meet up today with the London Borough of Hillingdon Domestic violence advocate of 23yrs and part of a non political group of elected councillors that have a good rapport with the police and some of the women in the borough that are known to them. Some understanding was gained between us and she did soften her stance a little in the meeting.  I can see that we are kindred sisters that have gone through a lot in the past and escaped with our lives.. But each have a different style and approach to the aftercare.  I am grateful that she can if cases are known to her challenge the council and the DWP as an elected member of the council.  She has been concerned that through my activity and concern to improve the care, healing and empowerment of women that she has not come out as looking good in the matter.  Though I did highlight that coming on facebook in an open and global arena was not really the way to have gone about challenging me on the planned healing and empowerment weekend. 
There had been a suggestion by the councillor to take the matter to legal proceedings against me... But this I do not see as a threat and would bring the whole issue out in the open of how government is failing its state duty of care to women survivors on the pathway of rebuilding their lives. The media coverage would indeed be valuable. Though not really the headline I would have thought the London Borough of Hillingdon would want an advocate taking a fellow victim to court.  We need partnerships and love and care and compassion to help us all heal and move on through to new life.  

The end of the day there quite simply should never been a drop in support and a system failing so as to accrue said debts for bailiffs to then hassle women. There should not be a situation where women feel that the system is beating her.  

Anyway was good meeting overall and then went on to debrief my MP John and we have formulated a plan of action to look at the whole situation with the DWP and women that are survivors of domestic violence....The DWP overall is failing so many areas of need for support overall in the nation, sick, vulnerable and elderly.  The APPG on Poverty is most certainly helpful to raise concern that is dangerous for women if they are failed in support.   

There is no competition with anyone that has been giving support with the % of the 1:4 stats of women nationwide and in the borough. It is impossible for groups and charities and counsellors and councillors to know of every case. Of course many had their history in other geographical regions.... but still bear the physical and psychological scars... and it takes time to rebuild their financial dignity from the perpetrators financial abuse.  There are many we will never know as will always be occult and never exposed.

There were some criticisms of my history and my staying in violent relationships but this is well written about in papers and researched... I referred her to the TED lectures on "Crazy Love"..... but today was Eid and I felt Allah's love and care around not only me but the councillor and her fellow area councillor colleague... I could see intense past pain in the councillor and her auric energies spoke much of this..But she is a good soul and I could see this......I felt the weekend planned would have help her but she declined this or lunch as she felt she had other aspects of her life to get on with.  There was a suggestion I was getting obsessed by my campaign.. Well I too have other aspects of my life to get on with but the DWP failings and the constant hassle from the London Borough of Hillingdon along with the knowledge of other women also having problems makes this absolutely necessary to challenge to reform. 

I may need her help too as when I got home there was another letter from the London Borough of Hillingdon demanding council tax. This is confusing as they are taking it direct out of my benefits... Anyway we need to sort out this front-line chaos and lack of support for how the heck is anyone to eat pay other bills with less than £40 a week?!  I did point out to both the elected councillor and John my MP that it was a bafflement as the government have said there is a pot of £20 million to help women that have been victims of domestic violence.  So why was this not being tapped into and where is this going as those of us on the front-line are simply not receiving this support? 

Clarity of care pathways
Attitude of care and compassion with practical support and guidance 
Clarity of financial resources available are required. 
Help with healing, detoxing from the ugliness of violence and empowerment are still very much needed. 
With this a need to network resources to work more efficiently together.

So my campaign continues...
Help me to help women's voices be loud and clear with my petition and my appeal to help women Many thanks Marjorie 
Sign and share to go viral as the problem already is viral... !
Support the Petition to get a Strong & Stable pathway of support for women
Help to me to promote the cause nationwide and fund workshops