Friday 15 September 2017

GP review today

Love this artwork in my GP surgery - what a lovely idea to use local school art to beautify the waiting area.... 
I have had two appointments to attend this week one yesterday for my practice nurse BP check as I am tittering on borderline for medication to control. It is not surprising my BP high with all the stress I have to cope with from the DWP - yes the system creating stress.  Then I had a review today with my GP in both consultations there were students one a new medical student and another a return to practice GP trainee.   They were fascinated by my story and how I turn my pain into campaign!! They were baffled at first of the new syndrome I have identified called Toryitis and was saying what is this.. lol ... I told them this is politically induced austerity pushing folk into poverty with hunger and vitamin deficiencies reappearing last seen in the last early century.  It is also linked with depression and emotional and social stress and pain.  Oh they took this on board and were smiling yes you right Mrs Bahhaj - I prefer to be called Marjorie I say.  I then tell them I am Marjorie in Michael Wynne's play Who Cares.. where much of my authentic dialogue was used on my experience of the NHS.

It was good to tell them I am now involved in the APPG Poverty group and TAP - Tax payers against Poverty.  I told the staff you know you can come to these meetings in parliament  -we would welcome your medical input too.  The young medical student was fascinated and enlightened so will tell his classmates at the Imperial College.

Now the update on this posting is that I received a letter from the DWP well had 7 all together this week with this one I am going to tell you about. 

The letter was to say my ESA was closed despite my sick note stating depression from post traumatic stress and my file stating I am a domestic violence survivor... The independent work capability states I am fit for work and must look for work.  I am 63yrs born in 1954 and am forbidden my state pension till 2020... I have been looking for paid posts and looking for funding for all I do in domestic and international issues. 

Anyway I signed on for JSA on Wednesday and the clerk asked how much work experience have you had - my answer was 48 years with tax payment as when I work it out my first job was as an office junior in November 1969 at 15yrs old. She paused and looked actually in extreme repetition injury pain from her shoulder and said crazy... I told her you will have to hack it through till you are 70yrs as there is a bill going through with 70yrs being the target retirement age!!

All is good I am now registered on the jobmatch website and filled it with 2 pages of notes on what I have been doing the courses I am on and my actions to find funding and work.  I have put in a couple of applications for work in the paid charity sector. 

My course is the one I posted about in this blog the Womens health and International Rights... I have completed week one and just about to complete week 2 input.   There is a course to come in February in Parliament that I have registered for on the futurelearn site


I am also Studying for my TEFL certificate on line too and enjoying this. of course I still help to befriend my Syrian refugee family.  All I need is financial dignity and none of this below poverty existence.  It is actually quite amazing I do all that I do... and sometimes hungry.....The strong and stable pathway of support needs to recognise when women are trying their best to rebuild and to not lay down and die with the pain but trying and trying to rebuild life.   I feel women do need continuity of that support so financial help to rebuild with this heal and detox from the ugliness of violence upon her.. She needs an overlap of support when she does find work or able to return to work, she needs to be sure she can cope with the work demands on her. Generally per se the DWP needs to help those that are doing voluntary work.... extra benefit payments to reward... and never ever stop benefits leaving anyone in need with NO MONEY... that is not acceptable..... even if "overpaid" in benefits this will come back over time from earnings when folk are able to work.... it is perverse to have folk struggling on less that £10 a day and needing foodbanks... it is not noble and Christianly uplifting as one rather wealthy MP stated .. it is shameful and poverty is diagnostic of FAILED GOVERNMENTS and is not representative of Christianity or any world religions for the core of all is to be selfless merciful and caring for all creation to love and respect one another. This is the strength that a society can be founded on Compassion! 
Help me to help women's voices be loud and clear with my petition and my appeal to help women Many thanks Marjorie 
Sign and share to go viral as the problem already is viral... !
Support the Petition to get a Strong & Stable pathway of support for women
Help to me to promote the cause nationwide and fund workshops