Thursday 21 September 2017

Women to keep home

My update on the petition today.... we are still going for signatures till all the party conferences over and parliament in full swing again. 
Sorry for the delay in posting an update. I am grateful to your support on this issue and welcome the extra signatures to the petition. I am in acute Toryitis with no money now. I had a letter to say I have to find work by law now, the ESA was abruptly stopped with a final figure of £16 put in my account. I have signed on for JSA and continue to look for paid work. I keep myself busy with projects and turn PAIN into CAMPAIGN My career & life ruined by not only Amine my third husband who broke my arm and deserted me penniless but also husband number 2 Vincent that coerced me into signing over the property. A home I had worked long shifts to help pay for. He now enjoys with his second wife who is under his control by providing the children he wanted that I couldn't. I have spoken to her to be careful as I had 15 yrs with his cycles of violence towards me and I tried to understand and heal him and even got him on the DVIP charity programme. There is a huge file of his arrests and I stopped short of prosecuting as part of the delusion I was under that he would stop and get better from this violence. 

you will ask why did a graduate nurse and midwife allow her life to be ruined with violent men... The answer comes in the TED lectures Crazy Love.... google this my dear supporters and you will hear the eloquent narration of how we are woven into a tangled web of illusion by these masters of deception. 

My post today I want to challenge not only this need for a strong and stable pathway of support but women should not be sent to refuge or forced out of her home for safety. The perpetrator of the violence needs to be forced out of the home and brought to accountability of his actions, no matter how we plead against in the mind delusion we are cocooned in... these men need to be brought to justice. Simple! at some point we women have to let go of the delusion we love them and they love us and all will work out...... The toxicity of their violence has to be be broken in release from their claws of deception on us. 

A woman victim of domestic violence needs a sacred place to be to heal and detox from the ugliness of the shear evil of violence and abuse upon her. The system needs to help her keep her home be it rented or mortgaged. She should never lose her assets to these criminals that have cheated her. If taken needs some compensation for the what is fraudulent behaviour she has fallen victim too. 

We need to help her and it may be that she feel she needs to change her home to rid her of the memories, she may keep the home but need help to redecorate and change the furnishings and have a complete start. 

I had opportunity to meet with a long term friend who I have known for 22yrs now. She did not open up about her violent husband to her friends and family till some 5 years in the abuse... But I admire her as despite all her pain and the problems her child faced with the aftermath of the abuse, she managed to keep her home. I was impressed how she has "cleansed" that home of the negative vibes her husband left, she has her own stamp on the place it is an expression of her caring spirituality that she has cultivated as she moved through her healing. She has a business she is developing alongside some part time hours till her business becomes self sufficient...... the beauty is she helps other women on their healing pathway now... 

Please dear supporters we need to ensure there is support in society for women as they rebuild their lives......

I am in great pain coming to 63yrs having lost so much of my life to violent control of my life. I was a teenage mum to a good husband then and married for 25yrs but we lost all in the 1989/1990 recession. that broke us... Crazy in that time I was a mother and studying at night school. 7 O levels and 2 A levels SEN RN RM BSc Nursing... worked in top teaching hospitals and could have been and should have been a woman of substance with assets and house paid for.. mortgage complete. But here I am 63 yrs with no savings no assets unable to get my State Pension as 1954 baby... completely reliant on the benefits that I have paid tax into over the years.... yet treated like I am a Zero person by an uncaring government..

I still ask you where is the £20million that our PM says she has put into helping women DV victims? 

It is nauseating when now with all this Brexit melarky there is talk of £billions being banned about when you are sat hungry, Mouth sore with scurvy lack of vit C and being pounded by bills you cannot pay as now money to pay with. 

Women need financial dignity to help heal and rebuild... as they have had their lives steam rolled with violent criminal partners.

I expose my story but my story is one of 10,000s of women victims... 

Help us to heal and rebuild please and most of all be able to move on from the pain......
Help me to help women's voices be loud and clear with my petition and my appeal to help women Many thanks Marjorie 
Sign and share to go viral as the problem already is viral... !
Support the Petition to get a Strong & Stable pathway of support for women
Help to me to promote the cause nationwide and fund workshops