Saturday 23 September 2017

Example of how Women need more support

Just got this letter from the DWP it hurts me so much "awarded" £58.10 a week out of which the LBH will take their pound of flesh for the said council tax debts that the system as generated plus £9.50 a week for the rent cap they say is for water rates! I have electric and gas to pay and try to feed myself.  It is has been titrated to the less than £65 a MONTH I get from my NHS pension as by law the poor have to survive on £73.10 a week from this you must pay rent cap and council tax.  

Worked hard all my life and it is just I have fallen victim to criminal perpetrator that as left me penniless.  I cannot just throw on my scrubs and work shifts again in the clinical area as I need to go on a return to practice course.  I am 63yrs and cannot get my State Pension till 66yrs in 2020 if I survive that long.  

Note that my ESA on my GP assessment of me was overruled and I was commanded to look for work and sign on for JSA.  

Those of you that know me will see I have and continue to try my best to rebuild my life.  I do apply for jobs but no offers! Folk happy to take you as an unpaid volunteer but no paid post! I turn my pain into campaign and though have many readers to this blog and on my social media no one offers me some paid work, seeing my worth.  I have my personal project of trying to help the amazing Syrian refugee family to rebuild their lives..... From the lump sum of £5000 NHS pension I received last year I visited them and have learned so much.  I had hoped for funding from the EU and written for grants and funding.  I get letters to say wonderful what you doing but no funds for what you doing as  an individual carer/befriender... only funds for NGOs I try for paid posts with NGOs  even tried to join the UNHCR and applied for posts in both the UK & EU parliament.... My Syrian family project keeps me alive and we support one another emotionally and psychologically as we are all traumatised souls that have lost all and need to rebuild our lives again. 

You know dear readers of this blog .. this oppressive lack of funds from the DWP hurts so much as over the years I have paid in so much tax.  When I was in fine fettle and could work busy 12 hrs shifts and 5 of them in a row I would bring in a £1000 a week and £350 tax would be taken out and NI... it is heartbreaking that now when I need help as a survivor of domestic violence and criminal perpetrators that robbed me of all my assets and my career.... that I have come to trying to survive off £5 a day it works out at now...!! 

How also are folk supposed to look for work and have the stamina to retrain for work when they are hungry in poverty..!! 

The whole system of DWP needs review and to stop seeing folk as lazy scroungers the mentality of the Cameron and IDS days.... we need compassionate help not knocked down and pushed further and further into poverty.  

For women survivors of domestic violence it is dangerous as she could out of depression from her post traumatic stress commit suicide as she feels the system is against her and sees no value in her.  

My pain I turn into campaign for all the women aside me and behind me and those in front of me that still have left over mental and physical problems from their beatings...and struggling financially to rebuild their lives.

Bringing another case to you of a woman that has periods of mental blankness amnesia from her repeated slapping and punches to her head.  She has just had her ESA stopped and is now told to look for work.  

A society without compassion ceases to be a society!

This all is more upsetting when government are talking of Brexit Billions as if confetti to throw around... obscene when we have folk below poverty line and going hungry from their incompetent mal policies. 
Help me to help women's voices be loud and clear with my petition and my appeal to help women Many thanks Marjorie 
Sign and share to go viral as the problem already is viral... !
Support the Petition to get a Strong & Stable pathway of support for women
Help to me to promote the cause nationwide and fund workshops