Monday 5 March 2018

Join the conversation on the Petition

The petition gathers signatures and comments.

my goodness I had not read through all the conversation till just now.... for some reason the join the conversation unfurled today .... and I saw all your comments and pains and empathy to the situation that women face. I want to hug you all and I will turn our pain into CAMPAIGN ..It is good for me to have seen this as I spent the last 24hrs in a sort of war with government and the DWP constant battering of me...... I have got parliamentary ministers looking at this and will be attending the next APPG poverty meeting in parliament this week. I have also received some help and guidance from Taxpayers against Poverty. I will write an update and blogpost later this week when I have seen the outcome of all that has been actioned in the last 24hrs... Thank you I am with you just as you are with me... together our voices will be heard ... I will make sure of this... Marjorie
Turning pain into Campaign!
Reform to help women heal and rebuild.... when will we get this right and fair for women? Sign the petition it is still on the go till I get some debate for reform. Petition for Strong & Stable Pathway of Support for Survivors