Monday 26 March 2018

Vitamin D deficit

Normally easy to get this in your diet if you have enough funds to purchase food for your daily dietary intake....but when you are sanctioned for finding NGO volunteer work and have stop in JSA payments and you have gaps in payment as you switch to ESA it is simply not possible to eat as good as one should be able too.... A fundamental human right to be able to have Maslows Hierarchy of needs met....Th PM put out a flyer from the Conservative party to say they have pulled a million out of poverty.... but I would counter this by saying they have shoved millions into poverty.  the APPG poverty meetings verify that that is a lot of work to be done to help the needy.... and I continue to say this is diagnostic of failed leadership.... poverty actually is a sign of bad management as it cost more in the long run with all the spin off problems... All citizens deserve financial dignity no matter their circumstances and especially if they are vulnerable survivors of domestic violence and over 60s.... Shameful that we have this situation in the UK in 2018