I pointed out to the APPG poverty meeting that when we refer to debts in the poor... it is not individual debt but a system failure debt that is failing to support those in need of help and to facilitate financial dignity for all. I was impressed by the Orbit housing scheme... and would like to visit their communities.. There is a need for landlords to recognise the need of those that are vulnerable and are on a journey of healing and rebuilding their lives... to help and support and give dignity and help create a sacred space to heal and rebuild. You can learn more on the APPG poverty by following this link All Party Parliamentary Group - poverty I personally feel that poverty in any land is a diagnostic of failed leadership. All citizens should have the right to financial dignity and basic human needs of shelter food clothing.
I put this photo in as the meeting was advertised in the Portcullis House the new part of parliament but when I was security checked and spoke with the receptionist there had been shift of room to the Palace of Westminster. As always the parliamentary staff are kind to me... and I was escorted with another group that had also had a change of room along the underpass... Good to chat with others meeting up for various issues to be discussed... in this time was able to talk to the NCT and was good networking as I am a retired midwife and worked across the bridge at St Thomas's and then had a good talk with a group meeting up for investments in South Africa..... I do enjoy the dynamics of parliament where people can get an opportunity for their voices to be heard, especially in APPGs
I find it more and more shameful that the UK in 2018 is seeing more and more poverty - with a government that will not stop their crash course of failed and bad housekeeping of austerity cutbacks on people and services... the spin off problems cost more in the long run. When will government listen to the voice of the people that their most precious asset is THE CITIZENS OF THE LAND... to invest in people and their future is paramount to keep stability in land and give dignity to all - including the country and its government. Government losses dignity with the existence of poverty as it loudly shouts FAILED LEADERSHIP and FAILURE TO RECOGNISE THE NEEDS OF THE FRONT-LINE. A good General always keeps in touch with the front-line to plan strategies to win!! This government will learn this in the next election - their overall majority already eroded by the pain and frustration of those on the front-line - the many not the few need to be heard. People are indeed the X factor for any government to take heed of.