Monday 26 March 2018

Neighbour Complaint about me!!

 Well made it out of bed today and the shower worked to have a hot shower... did my washing and felt blessed as when I opened the door to peg out saw the woodpecker in the wood opposite.... he has started his drumming call and wow so beautiful feathers... wish I could have got you a photo........ then a car pulled up lol another blessing a young man got out and wanted to speak with me..... but he was from the council he says the neighbours have been complaining about my garden being unkept and there are rats and mice........ oh how can I do any gardening in this cold weather with a chest infection and arthritic knee and we live with this woodland across the road so we do have all sorts of fauna - foxes rats mices voles moles you name it is there....... and I have cats that like to hunt and bring me sometimes live rodents that I can rescue and put back saying sorry all the time and those that do not make it I bury with dignity... this is the biology of life....... Anyway with the thought and mind games been through with my fever this really does feel the turning point...... I do not feel surrounded by love and care here - there is maybe 3 neighbours that seem truly concerned another DV survivor, a Yemini lady and an Indian lady ...... but the rest make me feel victimised and I cannot have this around me..... so think it is best I move out to new pastures....... and it will help me move on from all the pain that has happened to me here in the London Borough of Hillingdon .... the council officer was upset with all that has happened to me and said OMG we really needed to help you more...... and that is true women need help to heal and rebuild their lives not have toxic poisonous people around them and system that fails her and batters her.....I have picked up my vitamin supplements from the doctor and the receptionist has made an appoint to see my GP this week but I am weakening but MUST STAY STRONG as I have not completed all I have to do on this earthly plane....... I HAVE MY FAMILY LINK UP to keep me going and inshAllah all will work out for us all........
Some photos when I had some funds to make the garden nice ... I changed it alone cutting down thick over grown weeds when I moved in and despite my pin and plate in my arm I would dig a little at a time to clear it.........then my grand daughter helped mw with the path laying ......and my girls got a nice garden chairs table and outside burner...... and solar lights ..........but this is how it looks now see photo after Pengu .... and this the neighbour garden - note he and his wife get full state pension and a pension from his profession as a prison officer he gets a new disabled car every 3 years for his arthritic knees and he has been through ca bowel little knowing that I have been referred for investigations too.....I am forbidden my state pension as I am a 1954 baby and have all the DWP failings no short listing for paid posts hassled to find work... yet 64yrs ...... but no he has to dig dig dig as he complains about everything even the drug addicts in the back alley he has now asked for gates to stop them using the alley for their fixes...... wow this is UK folks with all its problems and little old me is trying to live my life in among this...!!