Saturday 3 March 2018

Welcome March my birth month

yes I know it is already the 3rd but felt wanted to share this as would be up my mothers street she would have love the cups and saucers and the primroses too...  March is my birth month so turn 64 yrs now... cannot believe where it has gone.... and really a point for us all to remember life does pass quickly so do not waste your life women on scoundrels as I did.. now entering my most vulnerable years with no assets... only my spirit my strong spirit to campaign for a better system of support for women survivors... 
Been in Uxbridge library today and got a book on Caroline Norton as this woman is truly pulling me to learn more about her spirit for change and to turn her pain into campaign... 

This banner in Uxbridge upset me today- how can the Tory council folk out so much money for banners that are lies... many of the elderly are struggling in poverty.  We have the Salvation army run off their feet with the growing poverty in the borough.  Many women denied their state pension because of their birth year....

I personally was threaten with eviction from the OAP studio bungalow I am housed in.. because of the system failing me and not helping me gain my financial dignity.... 

The money spent on banners in the street like this could have gone to help the Senior Residents with living bills... 
So here we are in 2018 another generation of women and another generation of perpetrators.... and still needing reform to help women heal and rebuild.... when will we get this right and fair for women? Sign the petition it is still on the go till I get some debate for reform. 

Petition for Strong & Stable Pathway of Support for Survivors