Monday 19 March 2018

Toryitis...! The effect of failing the poor

Toryitis in 2018 from austerity cutbacks increasing poverty & failed DWP policies leaving the vulnerable without funds & inadequate funds.  Austerity costs in health of over 60s exacerbated by denied pension! Physical & Mental health needs financial dignity. women that have survived years of domestic violence & been financially crippled by criminal perpetrators should have a better pathway of support to heal & rebuild lives.  I have never felt so ashamed of the UK my motherland failing the vulnerable!  I have a very bad chest infection and just narrowly missed admission for wheezing.... I do have a history of sleep apnoeas but since my bilateral breast op do not need CPAP... I am feeling really weak but must keep strong for my voice to be heard.  My family and neighbour have been helping - but this should never ever be happening to women survivors of domestic violence that have been left penniless.  Vitamin deficiency in 2018 in the UK, teeth spontaneously crumbling with low calcium intake.  Joints and muscles hurting and muscles feeling weakened.  I have needed to try to preserve my physical dignity with the chest infection and harsh coughing.  I have limited clothes to change into. You need washing products for clothes and for your personal hygiene.  I am 64yrs now my birthday on the 16th March and I am entering my most vulnerable years with NO FINANCIAL DIGNITY.... All I need is Financial dignity... and to be able to do all the projects before I depart this world.... But I fear this horrible situation will result in the failed ill thought system killing me off...... - but is this what this heartless government wants the poor the vulnerable to perish in a slow death from poverty!  Many want to work and by god I have worked since 1969 and worked damned hard through busy shifts with no breaks and off late.... and this is the way I GET TREATED to be pushed more and more into poverty and ill health.  This is perverse and we need some form of reparation for the crimes committed against us by our perpetrators... but sadly the UK government in its present form is becoming a perpetrator of hurting the poor and vulnerable!! Shame on Government shame when they keep producing millions of £s to argue their case or keep in power or try to show they are doing "good" we on the frontline do NOT feel any millions £s of support.  Thank you for your support please see I am one case of tens of thousands of women not being supported as a society should to help them rebuild their lives with dignity.