Saturday 3 March 2018

Need Financial Dignity

I am so grateful to the flurry of signatures in response to a tweet on a WASPI meeting cancelled by the snow. In this extreme weather conditions I have had no money at all... My daughters and a neighbour have helped me with some food as supplies running out. As you know been sanctioned by the jobcentre for failure to produce evidence of job-searching yet had evidence of volunteer training and had completed online courses to help me get some paid work. I have been assessed by my GP who sees I am struggling with depression... The system battering me now with its failings!
Because it sodding well hurts all this - when I am reaching my most vulnerable years with no assets.. I should have the financial dignity and freedom to do all the amazing things I want to do before I depart this world and help my family... and so many projects to do too... 

BUT I am so anchored to the past by the drops in support and the failure to get any paid work now over 60 and it is frustrating and so utterly painful.

The freedom would come with a better support in place for victims of DV violence and abuse to help them heal & recover & rebuild their lives. I cannot move on... the repeated visits in my mind to the pain of every hit, kick, punch and verbal put me downs just are torturous....

In this do not have the dignity of my State Pension because I was born in 1954!! My birthday on the 16th of this month and I will be 64. 

I have had to submit evidence of my poverty and trudge in the snow to the post office.... My arthritic knees in pain with the cold. The local post office said they will help get this quicker and upgraded to first class as they are appalled at what is happening to me. My neighbours get their pensions and one of them is helping me as she is so so disgusted with the way I am being treated.... Shocked that this is happening to me after all I have been through and all I have done for the country as a nurse and midwife..... 
But it must be recognised that domestic violence and abuse can affect anyone doctors nurse teachers business owners and even police. The criminal perpetrators strike on anyone that has an open heart full of love for their illusions they play with of "being great guys and will care for you" ...then once got you they try to destroy you... so be mindful in the weave of destruction there will be physical, emotional and financial abuse... 

Please when women have been through all this and survived and escaped or been abandoned drained and no longer of value to our perpetrators - we surely deserve better than this failing of support... this feeling of being criminals for needing welfare support is not acceptable.... the DWP policies are based on fraudulent claims and demonising the "something for nothing" mentality that Cameron so cruelly labelled all claimants with... yet those in need have paid tax and continue to pay tax with VAT on goods they try to buy with the little benefits given. £73.10 a week with a need to pay housing benefit cap and council tax out of this and then pay for food fuel and clothing!! basic human needs are impossible to get with this given the cost of living! 
I have had no payment now for 16 days and will have to wait now for a decision on the ESA claim! 

The fact is we women survivors do deserve better... to UN directives are being majorly let down by the present government DWP policies...... that appear to demonise those in need of help.

This actually is a Breach of State Duty of Care and could be taken to the Supreme Court..... 

Thank you for your support keep signing and sharing 

I need women's voices to be heard as my case of failings is one of 10,000s of cases that need a review of DWP policies and reform. 

Please contact me if you have any ideas on funding for me, grants, sponsors, paid work... and if you too have had problems to share with me. Together we can get our voices heard for reform. 

Turning pain into Campaign!
Reform to help women heal and rebuild.... when will we get this right and fair for women? Sign the petition it is still on the go till I get some debate for reform. Petition for Strong & Stable Pathway of Support for Survivors