Friday 9 March 2018

Robbed by Perp Robbed by State

🤷‍♀️reflecting back on all I have done over my 64 yrs of life.... worked since 1969 - today got a 24 page work capability questionnaire as forbidden my State Pension till 66yrs and not so sure will make it to then... with the system battering me as it is... I was robbed by two perpetrators and now robbed by the state... yes if feel bloody awful and yes makes you feel angry frustrated and depressed and trapped..... No paid work offered these days, loads of voluntary work offered, struggling to get customers for my NYR which would get me some earnings, cannot get funding for my family link up project with masses of ideas for rebuilding their lives and mine... ALL I NEED IS FINANCIAL DIGNITY AND FREEDOM... but today told my someone I respected that "I bang on too much and bring my own downfall I bring a lot on myself.." SORRY!!!! so does that apply to ALL the tens of thousands of other Waspi WOMEN too... !!! not a nice thing to say when I have been a battered wife and now battered by the state...all because the DWP policies will not support women survivors on their journey of healing and recovery of confidence and well being!!
PM acting like Mother Theresa saying she will help DV survivors yet we are being pushed into poverty... while she found £1billion to pay the DUP to keep her job!!!! Sick world so so sick..... and the system making people sick too!!

This is the questionnaire and I find it perverse that cancer patients should be hassled to in this way. How you supposed to get well when constantly hassled and worry about money. Money you paid into a system supposed to be there when you are in need and others in need.
But there is a very worrying point. I was assessed by a qualified GP a good doctor who is also a lecturer and trains other GPs...... she knows my case history and made a clinical assessment and judgement on me that I needed a couple of months sick with review on the 16th - but on receipt of this sick note there has been this 24 page document sent to assess for work capability. I am 64 this month and my body is feeling older especially with all this hassle. Can there be no peace for me.. and some dignity from a state pension....Some of the questions are worrying as someone terminally ill could answer yes to these questions... would they really be expected to restock shelves in a local supermarket!! Feels like they will want us to dig our own graves at this rate. Never did I think I would come to this and be treated like this ... hassled to torture me over and over again... that the only reason I am in the situation I am in is because of not one but two criminal perpetrators that used me and abused me violently attacked me and robbed me of all my assets... WHEN WILL MRS MAY REALISE THERE NEEDS TO BE REFORM OF THE DWP FOR SURVIVORS OF DV..... !!!!