Saturday, 29 July 2017

Update on my Petition

This is my recent update on my petition and sums up my week 
28 JUL 2017 — In among this campaigning I am continuing to learn to understand the whole subject area of domestic violence. This book Trauma, Torture and Dissociation includes domestic violence in the look at post traumatic stress with flashbacks. I have to stress these are not out of control arguments but perpetrators systematically controlling emotionally and physically to manipulate their victims. There may be also drink and drug addiction that leads to their violence. But for the victim it is torturous to be living with a bully and someone that does not think twice at venting his violent anger on her. So when you are out I know many will think well it is over you must get on with your life. That is what we want to do but there is a journey of healing and detoxing from the ugliness of violence upon your whole being to go on. There are emotions and pains and reactive depression to the experiences you have been exposed too. Some have left over long term physical injuries to live with for the rest of their lives. 

My campaigning is helping me and to address a better pathway of support for women aside me and behind me and to help those in front of me that are still healing and trying to rebuild their lives. 

I am planning workshops to help with the healing process so trying my best to turn depression and dark days into being proactive. 

Despite all this I am on the front-line being subject to DWP failings and spin off harassment. I went for my DWP gov work capability assessment and in this interim time of making a decision all benefits have been stopped. I cannot get my state pension as I am born in 1954 so forbidden my State pension till 66yrs in 2020. My first job and tax payments started in 1969 as a 15yrs old office junior so seems unfair i am not supported with all the contributions I have made over the years. . I am looking for paid work and for funding for all my projects... so I do try my best yet have now only my NHS pension of just less than £65 a month coming in. I will not lay down and die... I am my mothers daughter and like my mother, would do if alive l see the injustice and the perverse system that fails to support women on their journey of healing and rebuilding their lives to challenge for fairness and care! This week has been a mix of emotions. I felt I wanted to re open the case against my perpetrator who has never been brought to justice on this attack on me. I have been in liaison with the Crime Management Service and was instructed to go to the police station. The result was if there is no further evidence we can not open the case... as the CPS will just throw out the case again. So my perpetrator goes free - yet I like many survivors of domestic violence are locked up in the aftermath of their torment with the lack of financial dignity and freedom that their manipulation as led too...... 

But overall had a good week with meetings with friends, past colleagues who have encouraged me to continue...... and on Sunday last week in a meeting in Uxbridge was listened to by some of the members of the Shadow Cabinet who were very kind to me but very alarmed at the way the system is letting women down instead of supporting them. A society without compassion ceases to be a society..... all we need is compassionate help to heal and be supported on that journey to a rebuild of our lives.... otherwise it is like we can never escape the claws of the ugliness of violence upon us...... Thank you for your support we are nearly a 100 signatures .. lets keep going over the summer recess and see if we can go viral with more signatures as the problem is already viral affecting tens of thousands of women.... Marjorie

Sign and share to go viral as the problem already is viral... !
Support the Petition to get a Strong & Stable pathway of support for women

Help to me to promote the cause nationwide and fund workshops 
Improve support DV survivors