Wednesday, 12 July 2017

Woman's Group today

The woman's group was good today and the main theme that came out was how exhausted we can get yet try to push ourselves to meet demands on us.  But we also need to set aside time for us -  for a Therapeutic Selfie as I call it (lol not a naughty one) But a time for self to look after the whole being to have time to express self or simply rest.  The exhaustion is something I am witnessing in the counselling of my refugee family too. With all the traumatic situations they have been through and the constant struggle to rebuild their lives.  Think this something too that really needs to be appreciated by government both local and central.  It can be a struggle to rebuild your lives.  Especially when financially crippled by the perpetrators.  As we get older with all the aftermath effects it can take even more effort.  So it is no wonder we get energy crisis and feel exhausted.  So frustrating when you are trying to rebuild and the odds seem against it.  Today was hearing how women are not always completely free from their perpetrators even if divorced. There can be ongoing power struggles and sabotage on any property or assets they had jointly.  Or some perpetrators deliberately leaving some things in the house as if to exert some presence and control - even threaten the victim if she destroy the goods or disposes of them. The story today shared is so so typical of the perpetrators that of making themselves sound like Snow White to the wider community and that the wife the victim is the troublesome one.. So classic for this to paint the victim as a perpetrator and them squealing they are badly done by. So arrogant of them too as so many should be prosecuted and be in jail for all they have done to us women. but we protected them or stopped short of having them put away because of their control over us.  Or like in my case the CPS let my perpetrator go saying my nightstick fracture of the ulna was insufficient evidence. Sometimes you feel as if you have to have the knife held by the perpetrator and plunge in your body at the time of police coming to convince anyone that they did it.. Why is it that women's voices are not always heard and listened too. The UN reporteur for violence against women in war and peace time says it is a State Duty of Care to listen to women when they are ready to open up on the violent abuse, it is State Duty of Care to investigate the perpetrator, it is State Duty of Care to bring the perpetrator to accountability for his actions and it is a State Duty of Care that his behaviour be challenged to reform before being permitted back in society. It is a State Duty of Care to care for women to help them heal and rebuild their lives after surviving being victims of this abusive crime. 

I like in the woman's group how we finish by pulling Angel Message cards. My cards giving me a feeling I am on the right track with all I am doing now.  I am enjoying planning the Residential Weekend for Women to heal and be Empowered.   Yes the Angel card is also guiding me to more meditative time to keep the spirituality atunement. Prayer and time to connect with Allah's energy that of Love is so vital to helping us keep balance in our lives. 
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