Monday 21 August 2017

petition update today

Why roses on the ask? it is a little trick I have learnt from my Syrian refugees that teach me to buffer pain and the ugliness of abuse with flowers.... The beauty is to remind us all of a power Greater than us All ...

Here is todays petition update: 
21 AUG 2017 — Thank you for the additional signatures I do appreciate this and hope to be meeting with John McDonnell my MP soon to present the petition officially and discuss the whole matter. 
You will be seeing reports in the papers of the growing poverty and destitution in the UK from the very badly and quite frankly inhumane DWP policies..... People in need of help being left with no money for weeks - 6-8weeks. This is dangerous for women to fall into this lack of support. To be faced with no money, no food, no means to pay bills and no way to be able to rebuild her life after the abuse is utterly appalling. It is well know that part of the perpetrators character behaviour is to leave his victim penniless.... so a woman can have gone from successful career woman to being reliant on welfare for support. Welfare she has paid tax into I must stress and remind all.... You say well go back to work to the women... it is not a easy as that... she has to work through all the psych-social pain of the repeated attacks upon her whole being... She has to be ready to cope with the job market and the work place as we all know their are bully characters in the work area... and she has been living with a bully and is suffering the emotional scars from this....BUT give women financial dignity to heal and empower and she can get her life back on track and be an amazingly strong woman that has survived the journey to restoration and well being....... 
But how can she do this with a system that keeps letting her down and becomes politically and socially abusive to her... I feel for the women with children too that need to hold their family together through the journey of the detoxing from the ugliness of violence upon her. 

Some quotes from newpapers for you now: 
"Destitution is showing up in the data too. A recent Oxford University study carried out for the Trussell Trust found that 80% of people using food banks were severely food insecure, meaning they regularly went whole days without food. Average household income for this group was £319 a month; one in six reported no money coming in at all over the previous four weeks" ref:
MY NOTE: remember those on benefits have to pay a portion to housing benefit cap; council tax and still pay fuel bills and food and clothing.... the equation simply does not balance out does it?

"Alison Garnham, CPAG’s chief executive, said: “With the return of inflation, the benefits freeze has become toxic for struggling families. Rather than prioritising tax cuts, which help the better-off, the chancellor should use the autumn budget to invest in helping families with children. Ending the benefits freeze should be the first step he takes to rebalance the finances of ordinary families.”..." ref:
Can you see that women survivors of domestic violence need a strong and stable pathway of support to cope with all trauma healing and need a protection from government failings....
Help me to help women's voices be loud and clear with my petition and my appeal to help women Many thanks Marjorie 
Sign and share to go viral as the problem already is viral... !
Support the Petition to get a Strong & Stable pathway of support for women
Help to me to promote the cause nationwide and fund workshops