Saturday 12 August 2017

Understanding Conference

I am a survivor and also a practitioner as a now retired nurse and midwife.  It is in my professional nature to find out more and understand.  So I was privileged to attend a conference on Saving Lives last year.  I was very moved at the care and thought groups and centres around the country were putting in to understanding and supporting women.... I was impressed with other models of care and how to help problem solve the violent behaviour of the perpetrators.  
The photo is of a caseogram that a counsellor in Suffolk has put together on two brothers.  This shows how many relationships those brothers had had.... and all the women's lives that had been affected by their violent abuse. 
It is so important to follow the UN directives and challenge the unacceptable behaviour of the perpetrators to stop the cycle of violence.  This is why I have much respect for the London based charity DVIP in their work with perpetrators as well as helping the women and the children affected.  
Their work involves one to one and group therapy of the perpetrator. Alongside this their victims are counselled separately and helped in their new life of detoxing from the ugliness of violence upon them..

But look at that caseogram how many women have had their lives broken with these two brothers.. and all the support and aftercare and healing they need. It is majorly important we help them by getting government to review the DWP policies as they cannot and must not be in a situation of dropped financial support while they heal and rebuild their lives. 
Help me to help that voice be loud and clear with my petition and my appeal to help women Many thanks Marjorie 
Sign and share to go viral as the problem already is viral... !
Support the Petition to get a Strong & Stable pathway of support for women
Help to me to promote the cause nationwide and fund workshops