Wednesday 2 August 2017

This is reality of front-line

This is the reality of being on the front-line as a Domestic Violence survivor that has lost her career and no paid work.. The criminal violent perpetrator "husband" (seems impossible to put that title to such a criminal... ) left me penniless...  A 63yrs old born in 1954 so forbidden her State Pension with new retirement age.... I am proactive as you know trying my best to rebuild my life and others... have concerns for domestic and international issues but no funding no paid post..... Tell me where are the thousands and thousand of pounds the newspapers say benefit claimants get as I cannot get this they say... The strange thing is 1. I have worked and paid taxes since 1969.... and 2. they say you can have £16,000 in saving and still claim benefits... I do not have any savings so anything I try to do to better myself is taken from me not helping me... I get only £15 a week from my NHS pension.... so instead of this being extra the DWP adjusts my weekly payments to keep me to "by law poor must live of £73.10 a week" and out of that pay benefit cap, council tax cap and pay bills and food... Think about this when you are at the cashtill in the supermarket and see this really is not much... but from the letter seems I will only get £44.94 a week... You can see if you are in depression from post traumatic stress you could easily give up.... and I do have exhaustion to feel just curl up and die ...but not I ... for I am my mothers daughter I will not give up as just as she I will fight for injustice and this is not fair treating women survivors of domestic violence like this! It is perverse... and not the kind of society I want my country to have.. A Society without Compassion ceases to be a Society.... Women's voices need to be heard.... 
Help me to help that voice be loud and clear with my petition and my appeal to help women Many thanks Marjorie 
Sign and share to go viral as the problem already is viral... !
Support the Petition to get a Strong & Stable pathway of support for women
Help to me to promote the cause nationwide and fund workshops 
Improve support DV survivors