Saturday 5 August 2017

Women's Voices being heard see stats!!

Just been checking my visitor stats to the blog for the Women's voices to be heard.. Voices loud and clear in the nation and global by the looks... this is just a view of this side of the Atlantic we have followers over in the states too.... Thanks to the visitors from Sweden, Turkey and Europe...It is good for the world to see that the UK government does not get its management correct for all its citizens. Women survivors of Domestic Violence are being seriously and dangerously let down by the quite cruel written DWP = Dept of Work & Pensions policies, that see women without support for periods of time up to 8 weeks ... the resulting chaos and bailiffs hassle from said debts - that are really systems failure debts could lead to her death from 1. return to perpetrator and next beating be her murder or 2. from suicide in the post traumatic depression she is in. 

We need a strong and stable pathway of support to help heal and rebuild women's lives ... not one that augments the pain she is in.  This is a gross failing of State Duty of Care to the UN directives on care for women that have experienced violence upon them in war and peace time.  

The petition signatures are 105 to this morning so lets keep going over the summer recess of parliament.... Then John McDonnell my MP can raise this concern and need to amend DWP policies to protect and care for women 

And please where is the £20 million that government said they were putting into helping women that have suffered domestic violence... as there is NO EVIDENCE of this on the front-line....  
Women's voices to be heard as this is not right and perverse.... 
Help me to help that voice be loud and clear with my petition and my appeal to help women Many thanks Marjorie 
Sign and share to go viral as the problem already is viral... !
Support the Petition to get a Strong & Stable pathway of support for women

Help to me to promote the cause nationwide and fund workshops 
Improve support DV survivors