Saturday 12 August 2017

Post trauma view

These are just a few of the slides I had prepared for the introductory talk to the Healing and Empower Women weekend.  My dear readers of this blog if you would like me to come along and give a talk as an expert by experience and a Graduate Nurse/Midwife practitioner that has worked with women that have been traumatised.  I would be most happy to come and I am sure we will have an interesting time of sharing and learning together.  Note I also help with the post traumatic counselling of Syrian refugees and have a Family Link Up project. I have work in line for publication.  Actually have an older article in the Nursing Journals entitled "Caresses like Feathers, Fists like Iron." this discusses the duality of perpetrator and how he can be incredibly loving and hook her back into the cycle of violence.  That article also was to make employers aware of the unexplained or frequent absences from work.  This is often from women hiding bruises and trying to hid the fact of their abuse. There can be a normalising of the abuse and seeing that they deserve this or that the perpetrator will say "You make me do this"... then is so incredibly remorseful and hyper loving for forgiveness that she stays and the cycle continues. 

You can see from this glimmer of slides presentation that the journey of healing is complex after getting out from the danger. There is a lot of work to do to re-connect with the lost self and to find within the strength of the true woman you are.. Empowered and ready to take on the world again and be part of the world to live again.  For this we cannot have failings in financial support as it is so important to have financial dignity back. Until she is ready to return to work and is confident to cope with the inevitable found work bullies she needs supporting.  Women's voices need to be heard...... 
Help me to help that voice be loud and clear with my petition and my appeal to help women Many thanks Marjorie 
Sign and share to go viral as the problem already is viral... !
Support the Petition to get a Strong & Stable pathway of support for women
Help to me to promote the cause nationwide and fund workshops