Wednesday 2 August 2017

Time to have Time with John

This photo was caught without John aware as you can you see.... he is deeply engaged with the constituent that is bringing a problem to his attention.  John is a listening MP and is engaged fully with this problem and concerned... When we hurt he hurts - he is committed to easing social pain and injustice from badly written policies by this Tory government that have no idea what it is like to be on the front-line...  A good commander always is in tune with the front-line!! John will always act on the front-line needs... this is why we vote for him...!!
Time to sit with John McDonnell my MP and Shadow Chancellor, to update on the cases that are being brought to my attention in the London Borough of Hillingdon. I was in the women's group today and we are shocked that one of our women has been evicted - so with all the pain of her domestic violence she is now homeless... This is appalling and a gross neglect of State Duty of Care to UN directives for women needing help after violence in war and peace time.  I had another young woman that lives near me knock on my door with DV history and she was really down with not enough money... I only saw her the other day too drawing out £20 she said was to pay the council tax demands on her.. So not for food but bills and demands..... Then have another case of a woman with history of rape in her violence and she has been hassled by bailiffs, she is going through the menopause and is depressed, quite frankly I am worried about her. Thank God she came to the group counselling and we have arranged to meet up with another group on Saturday to have some woman support time together.   This is mega serious readers ... I need my petition to go viral as the problems are already viral as what I am seeing are snapshots of the whole in this nation....  the PM says she is putting money into to help for women with DV history BUT it is NOT getting to the front-line.. so we need to challenge this as where is this money going if anywhere, why are local authorities not claiming funds to help their citizens in their area?  Women's voices to be heard as this is not right and perverse.... 
Help me to help that voice be loud and clear with my petition and my appeal to help women Many thanks Marjorie 
Sign and share to go viral as the problem already is viral... !
Support the Petition to get a Strong & Stable pathway of support for women
Help to me to promote the cause nationwide and fund workshops 
Improve support DV survivors